Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Chris and I had such a wonderful marathon of Christmas celebrations. Over the last few days I have been reminded of the blessing of family. As we think about starting our own family (someday in the very distant future), more than anything I am proud of the heritage we have to pass down through our own family. We are proud to know the true meaning of Christmas and be surrounded by family members who will support us in raising our future family this way. Even with just the two of us, we have a great appreciation for being able to sit and read the Christmas story together. Heritage is passing down values and traditions. Family is love.

The first Christmas of the season was Christmas Eve at Grandma Martin's house. This Christmas was a blessing. After hearing the diagnosis of cancer in during the summer, the goal was to make it to Christmas and feel good enough to have a Christmas celebration. She didn't just make it but was still able to cook Christmas dinner and stay awake all night until we left! This coming Tuesday will be her last cancer treatment and she will be cancer free, I found this little tapestry hanging in her house and it made me smile to think of how true this is. Family is pulling together through thick and thin and trusting God through the best of times and worst of times.

After our evening at Grandma's house we headed home for Christmas with my family. This was a weird morning for me because it was my first time waking up at house other than my parents on Christmas morning. Chris had to work until 4 on Christmas Eve as well. But once we got home it felt like Christmas. We did our traditional singing of Christmas songs and reading the Christmas story.

On Christmas morning Chris and I got to have our first Christmas in our house together. Our first married Christmas. All I can say is that it was everything I could have ever wanted in a first Christmas. We are so in love and so blessed to be together.

After our Christmas we headed our to Wilsonville to celebrate with my mom's side! We always do presents in the morning and then a meal in the afternoon and then do a traditional post-meal walk down the lane and play games in the evening. I love getting to see all the cousins, we always have a blast on holidays and any other day.

We headed to Hillsboro in the afternoon and spent time with Chris' grandparents and family on his mom's side. I didn't get any photos unfortunately but the house was decorated beautifully! We spent the evening with Chris' family at their place in Newberg.

We have another family get together on Saturday in Wilsonville and then a celebration with Chris' dad's side of the family on Monday. Christmas is family.

Here are a couple more photos from Sunday and Monday.

Playing Mad Gab with the family!

Christmas with the Gunn Family. Isn't Melissa's tree just lovely? We had an awesome night eating, opening gifts and playing Catch Phrase Decades.